How Erectile Dysfunction (ED) May Be Affecting You and Your Treatment Options

How Erectile Dysfunction (ED) May Be Affecting You and Your Treatment Options

How Erectile Dysfunction ED May Be Affecting You and Your Treatment Options

Erectile dysfunction, otherwise known as ED, is a common condition among men that becomes even more common as you get older. However common it is, it is not a normal part of aging and can be treated. There are many factors that are responsible for men's sexual health, factors that can contribute to health issues like erectile dysfunction, and in order to treat ED your doctor has to take all of them into account. One such factor that can impact not only a man's sexual health but their health overall is low testosterone, which your Lakeland, FL, professionals can treat via hormone replacement therapy (HRT), if you would like to learn more about your treatment options you can reach out directly to Dr. Chester Miltenberger and all the experts from Vanguard Medical Care.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormone deficiency can lead to a variety of symptoms that can affect a man's sexual health both directly and indirectly, which contributes to erectile dysfunction. These symptoms include lowered sex drive, stamina, and motivation, among others.

Hormone replacement therapy supplements low hormone levels with molecularly identical hormones to the ones your body produces. With age, natural hormone production declines, as is typically the case with testosterone.

The treatment can result in an enhanced sex drive, improved mood and memory, restored muscle mass, higher energy levels, and a stronger immune system, and it can reduce your risk of depression.

Low Testosterone Treatment in Lakeland, FL

During a visit, your doctor can assess if low testosterone can be the cause of erectile dysfunction or other related symptoms and whether hormone replacement therapy can help improve your quality of life. They may also recommend lifestyle changes along with treatment, along with specialized care if you require it.

You can dial (863) 686-3633 if you are interested in treatment for erectile dysfunction and low testosterone and want to schedule a consultation in Lakeland, FL, with Dr. Miltenberger of Vanguard Medical Care.

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